Mahlkönig X54 Allround Coffee Grinder - A Unicorn?
I can’t confirm whether or not unicorns exist, but I can confidently say I’ve never seen one. I’ve never seen a home coffee grinder that can capably grind for espresso brewing and coarse filter brewing, but the new Mahlkönig X54 Allround grinder is as close to a unicorn as I’ll ever see.

How To Describe Flavor Notes in Coffee
Have you ever been disappointed by a coffee because you didn’t taste the flavor notes on the bag? That’s because taste is subjective, and it depends entirely on your personal experiences. Let’s learn how to talk about taste together.

Holiday Gift Guide For A Coffee Lover (2022 Edition)
These are the best gifts on the internet for the coffee lover in your life, and any one of us would be happy to find these under the tree this year!

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte (specialty edition!)
The calendar says we have a couple more weeks of summer, but we all know it’s truly fall. September is the best month, and we all just have to accept it. If you’re reading this you’re either unashamedly about that #PSL life, shocked that I’m writing about them, or both. Either way, this recipe is gives you permission to drink your pumpkin spice lattes without shame and without regret.

Fellow Shimmy - The Savior to your Sad Grinder
There are so many variables that contribute to how your coffee tastes when you’re brewing it by hand, but one of, if not the most influential variable is your grind size. And not just your grind size, but your grind particle distribution - how even your coffee is ground. Shimmy helps improve the grind particle distribution of any grinder!

How To Dial In Any Coffee (on any grinder!)
Regardless of what you’re grinding coffee with at home, whether it’s a burr grinder, blade grinder, or mortar and pestle, your grind size is arguably the most influential variable on how your coffee will taste. That’s why when it comes to dialing in a coffee, grind size is just about the only variable you should need to adjust. Here’s my method for how I dial in any coffee on any brew method with any grinder!

My Favourite Glass Server
I brew into a server for the same reasons you decant a nice red wine. Giving your coffee a swirl and a sniff before you pour it into your drinking mug serves it well by introducing some oxygen into it aerating the beverage. The sniff helps to calibrate my senses before I even take a sip, setting my expectations for what I'm about to taste. It also helps to cool your drink down a few degrees so you can enjoy it sooner - who wouldn't want that?

Iced Aeropress Recipe (it's better than cold brew)
I prefer this flashed chilled iced coffee method over any cold brew. Brewing hot and pressing over top of large chunks of ice, each drop of hot coffee gets flashed chilled in an instant on impact. The result is a cold cup with big character, not sacrificing any of the sweetness or acidity that you should love in your coffee.

Homemade Coffee Soda
I’m so excited to share this post with you because I found out that making homemade coffee soda was easier than I assumed it would be. It took a little bit of tinkering but this coffee soda recipe is easy enough that anyone can craft it at home and still feel good about drinking it!

Beautiful Bag Design
Whether we like to admit it, a lot of us judge books by their covers. I’m unashamedly a sucker for aesthetics so I know I’m doing it all the time. Everything from book covers to package design, from print elements to web assets - I have an eye for it all. Design isn’t divorced from coffee either, and you’ve likely seen some bags that seem to stand out amongst the rest.
BIPOC Stories - Gio Fillari
Inspired by this cultural moment and the Black Lives Matter movement, I started a series of Instagram posts to share the stories of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour in coffee. This is the story of Giovanni Fillari.
BIPOC Stories - LaNisa Williams
Inspired by this cultural moment and the Black Lives Matter movement, I started a series of Instagram posts to share the stories of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour in coffee. This is the story of LaNisa Williams.
BIPOC Stories - Cydni Patterson
Inspired by this cultural moment and the Black Lives Matter movement, I started a series of Instagram posts to share the stories of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour in coffee. This is Cydni’s story.

Old Fashioned Cocktail - Coffee Edition
I’ve been posting about coffee-adjacent beverages all week, starting with a tea-like drink called cascara and then a viral sensation called Whipped Coffee. I’m not going to try and revolutionize one of history’s most beloved cocktails, but I do want to infuse a little bit of caffeine into it.

Best Pourover Brewer? (as voted by you!)
A question I get more often than most is "Alexander, what's the best pour over brewer?", and if you’re reading this it’s likely you just asked Google that very question.
There are so many great brewing devices to help you brew better coffee at home, and my favourite of them usually just depends on the day of the week. But I really want to know, what is the best pour over brewer?
How To Freeze Your Coffee (and why you should!)
Freezing specialty coffee can extend the life of your precious beans for weeks, months, and even years. I know what you’re thinking because it’s how most people react when I talk about freezing coffee. It’s a curious look paired with a puzzled question that usually sounds something like, “Are you…serious?”
Fellow Carter - The True Everywhere Mug
The Carter Everywhere Mug is the latest edition to Fellow’s impressive line of coffee products and upon first glance you can see that it fits right in. Stunning design paired with progressive technology to solve common coffee problems is just about everything I look for in my brewing equipment and it seems to be Fellow’s M.O. as well.

Biggest Giveaway Yet! (unlimited chances to win)
Frankly I just love putting more things in your hands to help you brew better coffee at home, and when's a better time to do that than Christmas? I've partnered with some of my friends for my biggest giveaway yet, and if I’m this excited to give it away I can’t imagine how the lucky winner is going to feel!

Black Friday Deals That'll Actually Help You Brew Better Coffee
I like my Friday’s like I do my coffee - black. Here are my favourite Black Friday deals on specialty coffee gear!

My Aeropress Competition Recipe
My competition recipe isn’t too complicated! No fancy filters, no manic manoeuvres, and nothing to keep you from brewing this at home. We’ll dissect this recipe a little more in the coming posts, but for now here it is!