Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte (specialty edition!)
The calendar says we have a couple more weeks of summer, but we all know it’s truly fall. September is the best month, and we all just have to accept it. If you’re reading this you’re either unashamedly about that #PSL life, shocked that I’m writing about them, or both. Either way, this recipe is gives you permission to drink your pumpkin spice lattes without shame and without regret.

Cascara, what is it?
Did you know that coffee beans are actually the seed of a cherry-like fruit? It’s true, the toasted brown beans you grind and brew are the pair of seeds found at the centre of a coffee cherry. Similar to the summertime cherries you know and love, coffee cherries have a sweet and often red skin. If only the seeds are harvested to be ground in your kitchen, what happens to the actual fruit?

Iced Aeropress Recipe (it's better than cold brew)
I prefer this flashed chilled iced coffee method over any cold brew. Brewing hot and pressing over top of large chunks of ice, each drop of hot coffee gets flashed chilled in an instant on impact. The result is a cold cup with big character, not sacrificing any of the sweetness or acidity that you should love in your coffee.

Homemade Coffee Soda
I’m so excited to share this post with you because I found out that making homemade coffee soda was easier than I assumed it would be. It took a little bit of tinkering but this coffee soda recipe is easy enough that anyone can craft it at home and still feel good about drinking it!

Old Fashioned Cocktail - Coffee Edition
I’ve been posting about coffee-adjacent beverages all week, starting with a tea-like drink called cascara and then a viral sensation called Whipped Coffee. I’m not going to try and revolutionize one of history’s most beloved cocktails, but I do want to infuse a little bit of caffeine into it.

Dalgona Coffee - Specialty Edition
If you’ve spent any amount (nobody’s asking how much time) on TikTok in the last few quarantined weeks while #stayinghome you’ve likely come across the viral Whipped Coffee sensation. Videos tagged with #whippedcoffee have been viewed over 1.5B times. Yes, that B stands for billion. So what is it and why’s it all the rage?

My Aeropress Competition Recipe
My competition recipe isn’t too complicated! No fancy filters, no manic manoeuvres, and nothing to keep you from brewing this at home. We’ll dissect this recipe a little more in the coming posts, but for now here it is!

The Ultimate V60 Technique? (best pour over recipe!)
Our fearless leader James Hoffman has finally done it - he’s released The Ultimate V60 Technique™. Coffee nerds have long awaited a recipe from the 2007 World Barista Champion, World Atlas of Coffee author, and all around great guy. Well, here it is.

Cold Brew French Toast (the best french toast ever)
On special mornings (usually Saturdays) I’ll switch up my breakfast routine replace my eggs with french toast. The other morning I really switched it up though - I added cold brew to my french toast. Here’s the recipe to change your life too!