How To Describe Flavor Notes in Coffee
Have you ever been disappointed by a coffee because you didn’t taste the flavor notes on the bag? That’s because taste is subjective, and it depends entirely on your personal experiences. Let’s learn how to talk about taste together.

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte (specialty edition!)
The calendar says we have a couple more weeks of summer, but we all know it’s truly fall. September is the best month, and we all just have to accept it. If you’re reading this you’re either unashamedly about that #PSL life, shocked that I’m writing about them, or both. Either way, this recipe is gives you permission to drink your pumpkin spice lattes without shame and without regret.

How To Dial In Any Coffee (on any grinder!)
Regardless of what you’re grinding coffee with at home, whether it’s a burr grinder, blade grinder, or mortar and pestle, your grind size is arguably the most influential variable on how your coffee will taste. That’s why when it comes to dialing in a coffee, grind size is just about the only variable you should need to adjust. Here’s my method for how I dial in any coffee on any brew method with any grinder!

Homemade Coffee Soda
I’m so excited to share this post with you because I found out that making homemade coffee soda was easier than I assumed it would be. It took a little bit of tinkering but this coffee soda recipe is easy enough that anyone can craft it at home and still feel good about drinking it!

Beautiful Bag Design
Whether we like to admit it, a lot of us judge books by their covers. I’m unashamedly a sucker for aesthetics so I know I’m doing it all the time. Everything from book covers to package design, from print elements to web assets - I have an eye for it all. Design isn’t divorced from coffee either, and you’ve likely seen some bags that seem to stand out amongst the rest.

Old Fashioned Cocktail - Coffee Edition
I’ve been posting about coffee-adjacent beverages all week, starting with a tea-like drink called cascara and then a viral sensation called Whipped Coffee. I’m not going to try and revolutionize one of history’s most beloved cocktails, but I do want to infuse a little bit of caffeine into it.

My Aeropress Competition Recipe
My competition recipe isn’t too complicated! No fancy filters, no manic manoeuvres, and nothing to keep you from brewing this at home. We’ll dissect this recipe a little more in the coming posts, but for now here it is!

Coffee Clothing - Designed with intention
I'm always looking for ways to bridge the gap between commodity and specialty coffee, but I didn't expect it to happen through a t-shirt. Learn how these shirts intentionally inspire conversations about specialty coffee!

Flair Signature PRO - The best manual espresso maker
Have you ever made something with your own two hands? Maybe a bookshelf for your partner, a piece of art for a client, or a meal for your family. There’s a certain feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that can’t quite be reproduced by any other means. Brewing coffee by hand gives me that feeling, but pulling espresso by hand is the zenith.

How light roast coffee can stay fresh longer than dark roast
Coffee is science, math and equations, but ironically it’s often myth that dominates the cultural caffeinated conversations. One of the most pervasive myths I hear, and one I’ve attributed to be true for a long time myself, is that coffee is just as good as stale after 4 weeks off roast.

The Ultimate V60 Technique? (best pour over recipe!)
Our fearless leader James Hoffman has finally done it - he’s released The Ultimate V60 Technique™. Coffee nerds have long awaited a recipe from the 2007 World Barista Champion, World Atlas of Coffee author, and all around great guy. Well, here it is.

Bellman Stovetop Steamer - How to make latte art without an espresso machine
Before I ever touched an espresso machine, I had dreams of becoming a home barista. Pulling shots bold with crema, pouring lattes topped with art, and serving up drinks for anyone who walked through my door. Most of those dreams remained just that - cerebral fantasies - for a long time, mostly because of a lack of funds.

Cold Brew French Toast (the best french toast ever)
On special mornings (usually Saturdays) I’ll switch up my breakfast routine replace my eggs with french toast. The other morning I really switched it up though - I added cold brew to my french toast. Here’s the recipe to change your life too!

Father's Day Gift Guide 2019: Sales on Specialty Coffee Gear
Your dad needs to step up his coffee game. I don’t know him, but I do know it’s true. My dad has a strong coffee game, but only because I started buying him specialty coffee gear. Here are some great sales this Father’s Day from some of my favourite specialty coffee brands!