Biggest Giveaway Yet! (unlimited chances to win)
Frankly I just love putting more things in your hands to help you brew better coffee at home, and when's a better time to do that than Christmas? I've partnered with some of my friends for my biggest giveaway yet, and if I’m this excited to give it away I can’t imagine how the lucky winner is going to feel!

My Aeropress Competition Recipe
My competition recipe isn’t too complicated! No fancy filters, no manic manoeuvres, and nothing to keep you from brewing this at home. We’ll dissect this recipe a little more in the coming posts, but for now here it is!

Flair Signature PRO - The best manual espresso maker
Have you ever made something with your own two hands? Maybe a bookshelf for your partner, a piece of art for a client, or a meal for your family. There’s a certain feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that can’t quite be reproduced by any other means. Brewing coffee by hand gives me that feeling, but pulling espresso by hand is the zenith.

Seed To Sip - The Alexander Mills Brandmark
This new logo is clean, monochromatic, and extremely versatile. Geometric in nature, it’s not immediately apparent that this logo represents a personal brand. That’s intentional as I forecast for the future, hoping to achieve maximum versatility across different platforms and products.

How light roast coffee can stay fresh longer than dark roast
Coffee is science, math and equations, but ironically it’s often myth that dominates the cultural caffeinated conversations. One of the most pervasive myths I hear, and one I’ve attributed to be true for a long time myself, is that coffee is just as good as stale after 4 weeks off roast.

Pakt Coffee Kit: The Best Travel Solution?
I travel a lot for work and I do my very best to take specialty coffee with me wherever I go. I’ve tried to brew it every possible way; from my hotel bathroom to the base of a waterfall, using a takeout cup lid in an attempt to regulate water flow to smuggling butane into unnamed countries to power up my camping kettle…

The Ultimate V60 Technique? (best pour over recipe!)
Our fearless leader James Hoffman has finally done it - he’s released The Ultimate V60 Technique™. Coffee nerds have long awaited a recipe from the 2007 World Barista Champion, World Atlas of Coffee author, and all around great guy. Well, here it is.

Cold Brew French Toast (the best french toast ever)
On special mornings (usually Saturdays) I’ll switch up my breakfast routine replace my eggs with french toast. The other morning I really switched it up though - I added cold brew to my french toast. Here’s the recipe to change your life too!

Amazon.ca Prime Day Deals
Canadians often get the short end of the proverbial (hockey) stick, but not this Prime Day! Amazon.ca is hooking up Canadian coffee drinkers with some great deals, and here are some of my favourites…

Rooftop Coffee Roasters | #todayimbrewing
Nestled in the Elk Valley of beautiful British Columbia, Rooftop Coffee Roasters is carving a path for themselves in the Canadian coffee industry. Excited and inspired by the spectrum of flavours that coffee has to offer, the folks at Rooftop are roasting carefully curated single origin coffees in a way that accentuates all that each coffee has to offer.